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. 2021 May 14;16(5):e0251373. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251373

Table 1. Summary statistics.

Variable Mean Standard Dev. P5 Median P95 Observat.
ExcDeathRatem,t 3.570 7.429 0 0 17.379 101,794
ΔExcDeathRatem,t,t−1 -.0686 9.156 -15.113 0 14.892 101,794
gExcDeathRatem,t,t−1 1.841 5.431 -0.933 0 14.892 101,794
log(cExcDeathRatem,t + 1) 5.109 0.514 4.292 5.094 5.972 101,794
log(Popm) 9.237 .628 8.467 9.107 10.430 101,794
d11t .507 .499 0 0 1 101,794
d25t .190 .392 0 0 1 101,794
Shutdown11m 17.563 7.080 7.814 16.624 29.690 101,794
Shutdown25m 32.378 14.345 12.894 30.314 59.168 101,794
Food11m 7.174 4.265 2.563 6.141 15.370 101,794
Retail11m 7.490 3.489 2.891 7.058 13.748 101,794
Personal11m 2.898 1.605 1.128 2.659 5.266 101,794
IntMobm 40.621 12.250 24.19 38.52 62.53 101,794
PopDensm 5.845 1.077 4.101 5.804 7.685 101,794
HighSchoolp 56.37 8.22 41.93 56.52 69.66 101,713
IncIneqm 10.942 6.851 4.46 9.31 23.11 101,794
Elderlyp 36.24 4.28 29.6 35.7 43.9 98,738
Hospitalizp 0.183 0.0556 0.104 0.177 0.281 101,794
RelShutdown11n 23.731 5.645 16.538 23.925 32.235 97,958
AbsShutdown11n 17.265 2.824 12.808 17.023 21.549 99,958
PopShutdown11n 17.064 2.803 12.808 16.962 21.533 99,942
WinterTouristsp 5.838 2.708 .273 2.145 22.418 98,477
WeekArrivalm 5.713 2.78 1 6 10 101,689
DaysArrivalm,t 37.465 18.518 8 37 69 101,794

This table shows the mean, standard deviation, the 5th, 50th (median) and 95th percentile, and number of observations for each variable used in the empirical analysis. Variable definitions are in S1 Table. Source: [23].