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. 2021 May 14;11:287. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01394-8

Table 3.

The brain regions with altered gray matter volume in TS patients identified by the main meta-analyses.

Region Maximum Cluster Jackknife sensitivity analysis Egger’s tests (p)
MNI coordinates x, y, z SDM z-score p Value uncorrected Number of voxels Breakdown (no. of voxels)
Increased regions
Cerebellum, vermic lobule III 2, −36, −12 2.363 <0.000000001 192

Left cerebellum, hemispheric lobule III/IV/V, BA27 30 (98)

Cerebellum, vermic lobule I/II/III/IV/V, BA 27 30 (91)

Right cerebellum, hemispheric lobule III (3)

9 of 10 0.030
Left thalamus −10, −28, 10 2.113 0.000051618 112

Left thalamus (96)

Left thalamus, BA 27 (16)

9 of 10 0.002
Right striatum 8, −6, −12 2.192 0.000020623 72

Right striatum (52)

Right lenticular nucleus, putamen (20)

10 of 10 0.005
Right thalamus 12, −28, 14 1.992 0.000129044 54

Right thalamus (48)

Right thalamus, BA 27 (6)

9 of 10 0.002
Decreased regions
Right inferior frontal gyrus 42, 36, −4 −1.507 0.000129044 635

Right inferior frontal gyrus, orbital part (468)

Right inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part (107)

Right middle frontal gyrus (60)

9 of 10 0.457
Right supramarginal gyrus 60, −14,24 −1.348 0.000696719 134

Right supramarginal gyrus, BA 42 43 48 (50)

Right rolandic operculum, BA 22 42 48 (84)

8 of 10 0.477
Right postcentral gyrus 52, 12, −12 −1.192 0.000696719 129

Right postcentral gyrus, BA 3 43 48 (126)

Right postcentral gyrus (3)

8 of 10 0.279
Left inferior frontal gyrus −52, 28, −8 −1.082 0.004154444 90

Left inferior frontal gyrus, orbital part (57)

Left inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part (33)

7 of 10 0.676
Left rolandic operculum, BA 48 −56, −6, 12 −1.267 0.001491487 81

Left rolandic operculum, BA 48 (79)

Left rolandic operculum (2)

8 of 10 0.249
Left superior temporal gyrus −52, −14, 12 −1.207 0.001852751 56 Left superior temporal gyrus, BA22 42 48 (56) 8 of 10 0.218

TS Tourette syndrome, BA Brodmann area, MNI Montreal Neurological Institute Space, SDM seed-based d mapping, BA Brodmann area.