Figure 1. Susceptible–Exposed–Infectious (Asymptomatic/Symptomatic)–Recovered (SEIR) Model .
A, Flowchart of movement through the SEIR compartmental model. This model uses a cohorted framework wherein nursing home residents who become infected either symptomatically (I) or asymptomatically (A) with SARS-CoV-2 are moved out of the non–COVID-19 cohort and separated into a distinct COVID-19 cohort after showing symptoms or testing positive. R indicates individuals who have recovered from (and are assumed immune to) COVID-19; res., residents; and int., intervention. Black lines denote cohorting interventions and gray lines show transitions between infection states. B, There are 2 residents per room, and each interacts with 6 staff per day. Staff interact with 2 other staff each day and also have a daily risk of infection from the community. The dashed line indicates sensitivity analyses with additional limited contacts between residents (eFigure 7 in the Supplement). C, LOD indicates limit of detection; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.