Figure 3.
Lipid unsaturation in LDs of cervical epithelial cells correlates with the number of leucocytes in cervical smears. The comparison of the lipid unsaturation level in LDs of cervical epithelial cells in the studied groups obtained by calculating the ratio of the integral intensity of the bands at 1270/1300 cm−1 (A). Mean values ± SEM are given as box plots: mean (horizontal line), SEM (box), minimal and maximal values (whiskers). Percentage of patients grouped based on the number of leukocytes in the cervical Scheme 2017 at The Centre of Microbiological Research and Autovaccines (B,C). The comparison of the leukocyte count in the vaginal fornix (B) and cervical shield & canal (C) in the studied groups: N, LSIL, and HSIL. The leukocytes in each sample were assessed by the cytologist as: very numerous (leukocytes cover about 75% of the field of view), numerous (leukocytes cover about 50% of the field of view), not numerous (leukocytes cover about 25% of the field of view) and none (leukocytes cover 0% of the field of view). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.