Table 1.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Criteria | Inclusion | Exclusion | ||
Language | Non-English | |||
S | P | Sample | HCPs involved in OSCC/OPC management | Non-HCPs |
PI | Phenomenon of interest | OSCC topics | Non-OSCC topics | |
I | Intervention | Questionnaire-based survey and interview assessing knowledge OR/AND attitude OR/AND practice (See Table 2) | Non-questionnaire-based survey | |
D | Design of study | Cross-sectional studies/comparative cross-sectional studies/RCTs, non-RCTs | Reviews, opinion-based studies, letter to editors, case reports, study protocols | |
C | Comparison | Comparison of KAP among different HCPs when available | - | |
E | O | Evaluation (E) (O) | HCPs’ knowledge status/skills/attitudes/perceptions/views/opinions/practices/behaviors | Unrelated with HCPs’ knowledge status/skills/attitudes/perceptions/views/opinions/practices/behaviors |
R | Research type (R) | Qualitative studies, quantitative studies, and mixed-method studies | - | |
Geographical area of interest | Worldwide | - | ||
Study focus | Studies investigating the knowledge AND/OR attitudes AND/OR practices/behaviors of HCPs towards oral health topics Studies investigating almost two among knowledge, attitude, and practice Studies investigating the impact of OSCC/OPC educational interventions on HCPs’ knowledge AND/OR attitudes Studies focusing only on data about single categories of HCPs |
Studies investigating the OC/OPC knowledge AND/OR attitudes AND/OR practices of medical/dental students Studies investigating the knowledge AND/OR attitudes AND/OR practices of HCPs towards other oral health related topics Studies with inadequate data Studies focusing on aggregated data per individual categories of HCPs |
Abbreviations: HCP: Health care practitioner, OSCC: Oral squamous cell carcinoma, KAP: Knowledge, attitude, and practice study, OC: Oral cancer, OPC: Oral and pharyngeal cancer. The bold is necessary to make the terms recognizable.