Table 4.
Published data about medical practitioners’ KAP on OSCC.
Knowledge | Attitude | Practice | |||||||
References | Participants | Quality Assessment | Risk Factors | Precancerous Lesions | Clinical Picture | Common Sites of Development | Opinion | History Taking | Physical Examination |
Shanahan et al., 2018 [66] |
221 | >75% | Tobacco 93.7% OPMDs 69.1% Alcohol 63.3% HPV 29% Comorbidities 8.6% Betel quid chewing 5.9% Sun exposure 3.2% Diet 2.3% |
Leukoplakia 34.5% Erythroplakia 14.5% Erythroleukoplakia 1.4% |
Ulcer 67.3% Exophytes 31.4% Bleeding 15.5% Positive lymph node 3.2% Necrosis 1.4% Fixation 0.9% Induration 0.5% |
N.A. | Visual examination is effective in early detection 14% | N.A. | N.A. |
Shimpi et al., 2016 [67] |
121 | >75% | N.A. | Leukoplakia 65.3% | Abnormal growth 100% Ulcer 100% |
N.A. | Smoking cessation is effective 100% Skills in neck examination 100% Ease for referral 56% Annual visual inspection for patient over 40 is mandatory 53% Undergraduate training was adequate 44% |
N.A. | Intra- and extraoral 53% |
Hassona et al., 2015 [74] |
165 | >75% | Tobacco 95.8% Prior OSCC 72.1% OPMDs 69.1% Comorbidities 57.6% Betel quid chewing 53.9% Alcohol 50.3% HPV 50.3% Elderly 47.9% Diet 31.5% Sun exposure 18.2% |
Leukoplakia 61.2% OSMF 37.6% Candidiasis 37% Erythroplakia 35.2% OLP 27.9% Actinic cheilitis 13.9% |
OSCC time diagnosis > 60 yrs 78.8% Dysphagia and limited tongue mobility 73.9% Positive lymph nodes 72.1% Lump 67.9% Ulcer 66.7% White patch 49.1% Non-healing socket 47.9% Red patch 44.2% |
N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | Fluorescent imaging 77.6% Scalpel biopsy 73.3% Exfoliative cytology 56.4% Brush biopsy 43% Toluidine biopsy 17.6% |
Hertrampf et al., 2014 [68] |
192 GMPs 135 INTs 33 ENTs 28 DERMs |
>75% | ENTS Tobacco 100%/Alcohol 100%/Prior OSCC 100%/Elderly 73% /HPV 70% /Sun exposure 64%/Diet 24% GMPs Tobacco 99%/Prior OSCC 94%/Alcohol 91%/Elderly 78%/HPV 54%/Sun exposure 46%/Diet 34% INTs: Tobacco 94.5%/Prior OSCC 92.5%/Alcohol 88.5%/Elderly 70.5% /HPV 50.5%/Sun exposure 48% /Diet 40% DERMs Sun exposure 96%/Prior OSCC 93%/Tobacco 93%/HPV 82%/Alcohol 79%/Elderly 75%/Diet 18% |
ENTs Erythroplakia and leukoplakia 91% GMPs Erythroplakia and leukoplakia 85% INTs Erythroplakia and leukoplakia DERMs Erythroplakia and leukoplakia 82% |
ENTs Positive lymph node 94% OSCC 91% OSCC diagnosis (III/IV stage) 85% Asymptomatic at early stage 27% GMPs OSCC diagnosis (III/IV stage) 85% Positive lymph node 82% OSCC 75% Asymptomatic at early stage 51% INTs OSCC diagnosis (III/IV stage) 85.5% Positive lymph node 85% OSCC 83.5% Asymptomatic at early stage 55% DERMs OSCC 93% OSCC diagnosis (III/IV stage) 82% Asymptomatic at early stage 82% Positive lymph node 79% |
ENTs Floor of the mouth 67% Tongue 67% GMPs Floor of the mouth 71% Tongue 52% INTs Floor of the mouth 71% Tongue 60% DERMs Floor of the mouth 75% Tongue 61% |
N.A. | N.A. | ENTs Intraoral 100% GMPs Intraoral 84% INTs Intraoral 78.5% DERMs Intraoral 89% |
Tanriover et al., 2014 [69] |
164 | >75% | Tobacco 98.8% Prior OSCC 93.9% Poor oral hygiene 93.3% Alcohol 89% Family history 90.2% Elderly 87.8% Spicy foods 84.8% Sun exposure 73.2% Diet 68.9% |
Erythroplakia and leukoplakia 84.1% | OSCC 75.6% | Floor of the mouth 51.8% Tongue 48.8 % |
OSCC early diagnosis improves survival rate 87.8% | Tobacco 78.5% Tobacco products 70.1% Alcohol 56.7% Alcohol products 43.3% |
Intra- and extraoral 65.2% |
Alami et al., 2012 [75] |
57 | >75% | Tobacco 91% Alcohol 61% Elderly 48% Diet 25% HPV 22% Sun exposure 15% |
Leukoplakia 64.9% Erythroplakia 17.5% OLP 12.3% Nicotinic stomatitis 12.3% |
Positive lymph node 92.9% OSCC 89.3% Red or white patch 89.1% Asymptomatic at early stage 78.6% OSCC diagnosis (III/IV stage) 50% |
Lips 42.1% Floor of the mouth 33.3% Tongue 22.8% |
N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
Borhan–Mojabi et al., 2011 [76] |
66 | >75% | Tobacco 78.3% Alcohol 34.9% |
N.A. | N.A. | Tongue 80.9% Lips 28.3% Floor of the mouth 25.7% |
Adequate knowledge 51.5% | N.A. | Intraoral 39.4% |
Reed et al., 2010 [77] |
221 | >75% | Betel quid chewing 98% Tobacco 90% Alcohol 37% HPV 18% Diet 4% |
N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | Alcohol 100% Prior OSCC 100% Tobacco 100% Alcohol products 97% Family history 97% Tobacco products 97% |
N.A. |
Applebaum et al., 2009 [78] |
118 | >75% | N.A. | Erythroplakia and leukoplakia 10% | N.A. | N.A. | Dentists are qualified to perform OSCC examination 91% Smoking cessation is effective 85% Alcohol cessation is effective 75% Physicians are qualified to perform OSCC examination 67% Visual examination is effective in early detection 46% Adequate knowledge 5% |
Alcohol 100% Prior OSCC 100% Tobacco 100% Alcohol products 97% Family history 97% Tobacco products 97% |
N.A. |
Riordain et al., 2009 [70] |
236 | >75% | Tobacco 98.7% Alcohol 50.8% Poor oral hygiene 20.7% Elderly 5% Comorbidities 2.5% Ill-fitting prothesis 2.5% Spicy food 2.5% Dental caries 1.7% Male gender 1.2% Betel quid chewing 0.8% Gastric reflux 0.8% |
Leukoplakia 12.7% OLP 1.2% Erythroplakia 0.4% |
Ulcer 67.4% Pain 30.9% Swelling 21.6% Positive lymph node 16.5% Dysphagia 16.5% Bleeding 12.7% Lump 12.7% Halitosis 1.2% Hemoptysis 1.2% Burning sensation 0.8% Cough 0.8% Drooling 0.4% Hoarseness 0.4% |
N.A. | Need of CE 99.6% Previous CE courses 3.39% |
N.A. | N.A. |
LeHew et al., 2009 [71] |
8 | <75% | Tobacco 87% Alcohol 62% |
Leukoplakia 75% Erythroplakia 62% |
N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
Nicotera et al., 2004 [72] |
198 | >75% | Tobacco 87.6% Alcohol 64% Prior OSCC 31.5% Elderly 2.8% |
Leukoplakia 91.5% Erythroplakia 41.7% |
OSCC 60.9% Red patch 17.6% |
Tongue 68.8% Floor of the mouth 37.1% |
Need of CE 84.9% | Tobacco 85.1% Alcohol 82.5% Prior OSCC 52.9% Family history 48.1% |
Intra- and extraoral 63.8% |
Macpherson et al., 2003 [79] |
198 | >75% | Tobacco 97% Alcohol 79% Elderly 76% HPV 23% Fungal infections 20% |
Erythroplakia 22% Leukoplakia 72% |
N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. |
Canto et al., 2002 [73] |
240 | >75% | Tobacco 100% Prior OSCC 99.2% Alcohol 89.3% Sun exposure 55.5% Elderly 42% Diet 29.5% |
Erythroplakia and leukoplakia 10.4% | Positive lymph node 86.1% OSCC 80.2% Asymptomatic at early stage 71.3% OSCC diagnosis (III/IV stage) 60.1% Red patch 57% OSCC time diagnosis >60 yrs 42% Tongue high-risk area 34.5% |
Tongue and floor of the mouth 25.4% | Skills in neck examination 98.8% Smoking cessation is effective 88.2% Alcohol cessation is effective 76% Visual examination is effective in early detection 61.8% Undergraduate training was adequate 53.8% |
Alcohol 77% Alcohol products 77% Family history 77% Prior OSCC 77% Tobacco 77% Tobacco products 77% |
Intraoral 90.7% |
Greenwood et al., 2001 [80] |
151 | >75% | Tobacco 90.7% Betel quid chewing 50.3% Alcohol 45.7% |
N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | Intra- and extraoral 68.2% |
Yellowitz et al., 1995 [81] | 93 | <75% | N.A. | N.A. | OSCC time diagnosis > 60 yrs 92.6% Pain 50.7% |
N.A. | Annual visual inspection for patients over 40 is mandatory 84.1% OSCC early diagnosis improves the survival rate 63.3% Ease for referral 51.3% Up-to-date personal knowledge 32.6% |
N.A. | N.A. |
Abbreviations: OSCC: Oral squamous cell carcinoma; ENT: Otolaryngologist; INTs: Intern; DERMs: Dermatologists; Max-fac surgeon: Oral and maxillofacial surgeon; OM: Oral medicine; OLP: Oral lichen planus; OSMF: Oral sub-mucous fibrosis; CE: Continuing education; OLP: Oral lichen planus; OSMF: Oral sub-mucous fibrosis; Max-fac surgeon: Oral and maxillofacial surgeon; OM: Oral medicine; CE: Continuing education.