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. 2021 Apr 26;21(9):3035. doi: 10.3390/s21093035

Table 2.

Summary of the studies included in the systematic literature review (II). Relevant information contains subjects, type of EMG used, and muscles recorded in the studies.

Study Relevant Information Description of the Task Observations about Muscles Role
Valero-Cuevas et al. [87] 8 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Intrinsic muscles:
Static force in five directions CNS is implementing the predicted mechanically advantageous strategies, and scaling them down to produce less than maximal forces.
Palmar force used flexors, extensors, and FDI. Dorsal force used all muscles. Distal force used all muscles except for extensors.
Medial and lateral forces used all muscles including significant co-excitation of FDI.
Valero-Cuevas [88] 8 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Intrinsic muscles:
Different levels of fingertip forces while maintaining their forefinger in a static posture Significant muscle coordination patterns similar to those previously reported for 100% of maximal fingertip forces were found for 50% of maximal voluntary force.
Weiss and Flanders [60] 4 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles: EDC, FDS
Intrinsic muscles:
Static postures for 26 objects and 26 letter shapes of a manual alphabet Single muscles may be a member of more than one muscle synergy.
Klein Breteler et al. [95] 9 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Intrinsic muscles:
Finger spell words, presented on a computer screen The first synergy represented the main temporal synergy, accounting for more of the EMG variance (up to 40%).
This main synergy began with a burst in the EDC and a silent period in the flexors. There were then progressively later and shorter bursts in the APB, FPB, ADM, and, finally, the FDS.
Martelloni et al. [96] 6 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
TriB, Deltoid, Trapezius, FCR, ECR, BB
Intrinsic muscles:
Performing reach-to-grasp movements for different objects placed in different locations Activation of proximal muscles can be statistically different for different grip types.
Proximal and distal muscles are simultaneously controlled during reaching and grasping.
Patterns of EMG activation in arm muscles can provide a reliable representation of motor behavior during reaching and grasping of different objects.
Valero-Cuevas et al. [85] 8 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Intrinsic muscles:
Vertical fingertip force vectors of prescribed constant or time-varying magnitudes Evidence for preferential control of task-relevant parameters that strongly suggest the use of a neural control strategy compatible with the principle of minimal intervention.
Only one synergy accounting for >40% of the variance with positive correlation among all muscles (coactivation).
There was no reduction in dimensionality because each of the seven principal components explains a nontrivial amount of variance.
Marc H. Schieber et al. [83] 10 stroke subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Intrinsic muscles:
Cyclical F/E or Ab/Ad movements of each digit FDI in the control hand was active only when the index finger was abducting.
FDI in the affected hand was also active during movement of the thumb or the ring finger.
These inappropriate contractions of FDI in the affected hand would cause the index finger to move when the subject attempted to move only the thumb or the ring finger.
Muscle synergies of the stroke-affected arm were strikingly similar to those of the unaffected arm despite marked differences in motor performance between the arms.
In subjects with severe motor impairment, there was far less resemblance between the synergies of the two arms.
VencesBrito et al. [66] 18 karatekas and 19 non-karatekas
Extrinsic muscles:
BB, Br, Deltoid, Pectoralis, PT, Infraspinatus
Intrinsic muscles:
Analysis of a karate punching movement (choku-zuki) on a fixed target The two groups presented distinct EMG patterns.
The first muscles to be activated were the agonists of the arm flexion and internal rotation.
This was followed by an initial activation of the forearm flexor and pronator muscles.
The forearm extensor muscle initiates its activity slightly later, followed by the second activation moment of forearm pronator muscle.
Cheung et al. [107] 31 stroke subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
infraspinatus; rhomboid major; Trapezius; pectoralis major; Deltoid; TriB; BB; brachialis, Br; supinator; PT
Intrinsic muscles:
Tasks and reaching movements with shoulder and forearm motions Muscle synergies of the stroke-affected arm were strikingly similar to those of the unaffected arm despite marked differences in motor performance between the arms.
In subjects with severe motor impairment, there was much less resemblance between the synergies of the two arms.
Zariffa et al. [61] 10 healthy subjects
6 Spinal cord-injured subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Intrinsic muscles:
EI, FDI, Thenar eminence
7 functional tasks using grasp types relevant to ADLs The synergies found were: (1) EDC and EIP, and (2) FDS and FCU.
Many tasks involving finger extension tasks can be expected to recruit both EDC and EIP.
The FDS and FCU synergy suggests that a wrist flexion was often used to position the hand during a grasping action, though this may be a product of the specific set of tasks employed in this study.
The most common synergy in SCI subjects was FCR and ECR, which was also one of the average able-bodied synergies.
FDI and Thenar eminence were common in both groups, possibly because of the need for independent fine thumb and index finger movements in many dextrous tasks.
In subjects with SCI, similar synergies were observed, but in different proportions.
Burkhart and Andrews [100] 20 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
BB, Br, Anconaeus, FCR, ECR
Intrinsic muscles:
Impacts occurred to the hand from two heights Individuals are capable of selecting an upper extremity posture that allows them to minimize the effects of an impact and the presence of a preparatory muscle activation response has been confirmed.
Castellini and Van Der Smagt [99] 6 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Two bands surrounding the forearm
Intrinsic muscles:
Five static grasps: flat grasp, pinch grip, tripodal grip, small power grasp, and large power grasp Three main synergies were found: uniform activation, activation of the dorsal muscles near the radius, and activation of the flexors near the radius.
Lee et al. [109] 4 healthy subjects
14 subjects with chronic hemiparesis
Extrinsic muscles: FDS, EDC, FCR, FCU, ECR, ECU
Intrinsic muscles:
Thenar muscles, FDI, hypothenar muscles
Wrist F/E finger extension, lateral pinch, power grip, and tip pinch The first synergy, containing mainly thenar and FDI activity, was largely active in the three grip tasks.
The second synergy, consisting of EDC, ECR, and ECU, was heavily weighted during finger/wrist extension.
The third synergy, involving coactivation of the wrist and finger muscles.
The fourth synergy, with FCR, FCU, and EDC activity, was employed during wrist flexion.
For stroke survivors, the composition of these modules was generally similar to those of subjects with no impairment.
Winges et al. [63] 10 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
FDS (2 portions), EDC
Intrinsic muscles:
Piano dynamic movements: playing 14 selected pieces with the right hand at a uniform tempo Phasic coactivation was evident between extensor and flexor muscles during piano playing.
For the thumb sequence, PC1 first synergy was dominated by bursts of activity in the APB and the FPB with activity in the four-finger ED muscle.
For the index finger sequence, the central burst of the first synergy included activity in two to three flexors of the index finger.
Higher PC synergies were variable across subjects.
Hu et al. [103] 10 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
surface grid centered on the EDC
Intrinsic muscles:
Static and dynamic finger movements: To extend MCP joints individually When the four fingers were extended simultaneously, the entire EDC was active.
When individual fingers were extended separately, distinct regions of the EDC were selectively activated, with the index finger in the most distal region, the middle finger in the most proximal region, and the ring and little fingers in between.
Index and middle fingers have a greater degree of individuation in comparison to the little and ring fingers.
Ricci et al. [68] 25 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Trapezius, Serratus, Deltoid, Pectoralis, BB, TriB, FDS, FCU, ECR, ECU
Intrinsic muscles:
Pouring water task belonging to the Elui Functional Test of the Upper Extremity In the reaching phase, the main movements observed were shoulder flexion and elbow and wrist extension, accompanied by significant higher activity of S, D, and TriB.
The sequence of movements in this phase ended up with the subjects grasping the pitcher, which could be related to the late coactivation between ECU and FCU.
Transport phase was mainly characterized by higher muscle activity of all muscles, except for Pectoralis.
There were almost no significant differences in muscle activity within the release phase.
ECR is a key muscle for wrist posture and function regardless of the task demand.
Activation of FCU and ECRLB were identified as the main control strategy performed to maintain optimal grasping.
Roh et al. [108] 6 healthy subjects
16 post-stroke subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Br, BB, TriB, Deltoid, and pectoralis
Intrinsic muscles:
Grasping the MACARM’s gimbaled handle EMG spatial patterns were well explained by task-dependent combinations of only a few (typically 4) muscle synergies.
Elbow-related synergies were conserved across stroke survivors, regardless of level of impairment.
Alterations in the shoulder muscle synergies underlying isometric force generation appear prominently.
Hesam-Shariati et al. [110] 24 post-stroke subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
Trapezius, Deltoid medius, BB, ECR, FCR, FDI
Intrinsic muscles:
14-day program focused on the more- affected upper limb The profile of coordinated muscle activation varied by the level of residual motor-function in chronic stroke.
The number of synergies used increased (although not significantly) with therapy for patients with low and moderate motor-function.
The distribution of muscle weightings within synergies changed as a consequence of therapy.
Lunardini et al. [111] 9 dystonia subjects
9 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
FCU, ECR, BB, TriB, Deltoid, Supraspinatus
Intrinsic muscles:
Writing task Synergy analysis revealed no difference in the number of synergies between children with and without dystonia.
Two synergies primarily involved upper limb distal muscles (distal synergies). Distal synergies were different depending on the task.
The other two synergies mainly included proximal muscles (proximal synergies). Proximal synergies were very similar across groups and tasks: Synergy 3 involved shoulder flexors (D), while synergy 4 mainly comprised shoulder extensors (D and supraspinatus).
Pellegrino et al. [112] 11 healthy subjects
11 subjects with multiple sclerosis
Extrinsic muscles:
15 upper limb muscles with only two forearm muscles (Br, PT)
Intrinsic muscles:
Reaching tasks: subjects grasped the handle For both populations, the analysis identified three primary synergies that involved the distal muscles, another synergy that involved proximal muscles, and the last synergy included shoulder muscles.
Muscle synergy analysis detected aspects related to muscle coordination that were not evident from the analysis of single muscle activity.
Scano et al. [62] 28 healthy subjects
Extrinsic muscles:
One band of 8 electrodes surrounding the forearm +
BB, TriB, finger flexor and extensor
Intrinsic muscles:
Performance of 20 grasps Ten spatial motor modules, properly elicited in time, are enough to describe the whole dataset with good accuracy, generalizing across subjects.
The coactivating group composed of forearm electrodes is very often grouped together, especially in the hold phase.
Two activation patterns are recognizable: a strong coactivation, often (but not always) corresponding to the grasp/hold phase, and two minor coactivating patterns in the pre-shaping and release phases that are often grouped in a single synergy.
BB is activated during the reaching phase, thereby confirming that it is indeed an active reaching component that is active in the pre-shaping and release phase.

Abbreviations: ADM—Abductor Digiti Minimi; FLUM—First Lumbrical; FDI—First Dorsal Interosseous; FPI—First Palmar Interosseous; ECU—Extensor Carpi Ulnaris; PT—Pronator Teres; FCR—Flexor Carpi Radialis; FDS—Flexor Digitorum Superficialis; FDP—Flexor Digitorum Profundus.