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. 2021 May 7;19:2833–2850. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.05.010

Table 1.

Results for screening models.

Study, Country, Outcome No. of CPP* AI methods Predictors Val. methods Performance (AUC, Accuracy (Acc%), Sensitivity (SEN%), Specificity (SPE%), PPV/NPV (%), (95% CI)) Risk of Bias**: Participants/Predictors/Outcome/Analysis/Overall
Yang et al. [4], USA, Early and rapid identification of high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infected patients 1,898 LR, DT, RF, GBDT age, gender, race and 27 routine laboratory tests 5-FCV AUC 0.854 (95% CI: 0.829–0.878) L U H H H

Li et al. [63], China, Screening based on ocular surface features 104 DL Imaging features 5-FCV AUC 0.999 (95%CI, 1670.997–1.000, SEN 98.2, SPE 97.8 U U U H H
AS Soltan et al. [3], UK, Early detection, Screening 437 multivariate LR, RF, XGBoost Presentation laboratory tests and vital signs TTS, 10-FCV ED model: AUC 0.939, SEN 77.4, SPE 95.7Admissions model: AUC 0.940, SEN 77.4, SPE 94.8Both models achieve high NPP (>99) H H H H H
Nan et al. [57], China, Early screening 293 DL, LR, SVM, DT, RF 4 epidemiological features, 6 clinical manifestations (muscle soreness, dyspnea, fatigue, lymphocyte count, WBC, imaging features) TTS AUC 0.971, Acc 90, SPE 0.95 (LR optimal screening model) H U H H H
Soares et al. [58], Brazil, Screening of suspect COVID-19 patients 81 ML, SVM, SMOTE Boost, ensembling, k-NN Hemogram: (Red blood cells, MCV, MCHC, MCH, RDW, Leukocytes, Basophils, Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Platelets, Mean platelet volume, Creatinine, Potassium, Sodium, CRP, Age unspecified AUC 86.78 (95%CI: 85.65–87.90), SEN 70.25 (95%CI: 66.57–73.12), SPE 85.98 (95%CI: 84.94–86.84), NPV 94.92 (95%CI: 94.37–95.37), PPV 44.96 (95%CI: 43.15–46.87) L U H H H
Feng et al. [59], China, Early identification of suspected COVID-19 pneumonia on admission 32 ML, LR (LASSO), DT, Adaboost lymphopenia, elevated CRP and elevated IL-6 on admission 10-FCV AUC 0.841, SPE 72.7 H H H H H
Wu et al. [60], China, Early detection 27 RF 11 key blood indices: TP, GLU, Ca, CK-MB, Mg, BA, TBIL, CREA, LDH, K, PDW 10-FVC, Ext. Val. Acc 95.95, SEN 95.12, SPE 96.97 L L L H H
Banerjee et al. [61], Brazil, Initial screening 81 RF, ANN platelets, leukocytes, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes. 10-FCV AUC 0.95 H H H H H
Peng et al. [62], China, Quick and accurate diagnosis 32 SRLSR, non-dominated radial slots-based algorithm, ARMED, GFS, RFE 18 diagnostic factors: WBC, eosinophil count, eosinophil ratio, 2019 new Coronavirus RNA (2019n-CoV), Amyloid-A, Neutrophil ratio, basophil ratio, platelet, thrombocytocrit, monocyte count, procalcitonin, neutrophil count, lymphocyte ratio, lymphocyte count, monocyte ratio, MCHC, Urine SG not performed not performed L L U H H

*CPP = COVID-19 Positive Patients, Abbreviations of medical terms included in this Table are provided in the Appendix.

**L: Low, H: High, U: Unclear