MAMP-triggered immunity by bacterial endophytes. The MAMP molecules from endophytic bacteria are recognized by the pattern recognition receptor (PRR) present in the plasma membrane. This results in calcium and hydrogen ion influx and K+ efflux occurs. This redox and pH changes in the cell leads to long distance transport of signal. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) gene gets activated first and the activated MAPKKK phosphorylate to MPKK and MPK which leads into transcriptional reprogramming. The transcriptional factors like WRKY, ACS2/6, ERF 6/104, TGA, MYB/MYC gets activated to regulate the defence genes expression. This complex interaction results in production of pathogenesis-related genes, phytoalexin, callose deposition, ROS, defensin. Where, MAMP microbe-associated molecular pattern; FLS2 flagellin sensitive 2; BAK1 brassinosteroid insensitive1-associated kinase1; BIK BAK1 like; MTI MAMP-triggered immunity; TGA transcription factor; NPR1 non-pathogenesis-related 1; ETI effector-triggered immunity; NO nitric oxide; ROS reactive oxygen species