Protein co-expression network analysis of EVs Sjogren’s data in healthy controls and patients. Module dendrogram obtained by average linkage hierarchical clustering. The color row underneath the dendrogram shows the module assignment determined by the dynamic tree cut (A). Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of module proteins (labeled by their colors) and the sample trait (Sjogren’s). Branches of the dendrogram (the meta-modules) group together proteins that are positively correlated (B). Heatmap plot of the adjacencies in the module network including the Sjogren’s trait. Each row and column in the heatmap corresponds to each protein module (labeled by color) or Sjogren’s trait. In the heatmap, blue color represents low adjacency (negative correlation), while red represents high adjacency (positive correlation). 45 degree diagonal of red color correspond to the meta-modules (C). Barplot of mean protein significance across modules. The higher is the mean protein significance in a module, the more significantly related the module is to the clinical trait of interest (Sjogren’s trait) (D). Protein–protein interaction network of proteins associated to the turquoise module. Each node correspond to a specific protein and color nodes is related to the protein expression level (color-code range, min |FC|=1.1268 yellow, max |FC|=6.9088 purple) (E). Biological process terms associated to the network of co-expressed proteins. Bar length is related to the significance of proteins to each GO term (F).