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. 2021 May 11;6(3):e00046-21. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00046-21

FIG 1.


A moderate number of E. coli C122 genes are differentially regulated during late φX174 infection, with ibpAB upregulation equal to φX174 phage genes. (A) Quantified proteins. FC ±1.5 and P value <0.025 significance threshold. (B) Quantified RNA. FC ±1.5 and P value cutoff <0.05 significance threshold. (C) Fold changes for φX174 proteins labeled A to K and host E. coli proteins IbpA and IbpB at 60 min and 75 min postinfection. Fold change reflects the ratio of quantified values of infected to mock samples.