(A) Rational design and synthesis, its application in cancer treatment (left), and illustration of FA-CD@PP-CpG for docetaxel-enhanced immunotherapy (right); (B) intracellular ROS detection in 4T1 cells incubated with various concentrations of FA-CD@PP-CpG under 650 nm irradiation; (C) corresponding fluorescence images of 4T1 cells constrained with calcein AM (live cells, green) and propidium iodide (dead cells, red) after being treated with different conditions. (D) The in vivo thermal images of the mice after intravenous injection of PBS and FA-CD@PP-CpG under 808 nm irradiation; (E) temperature change curve of tumor sites as a function of irradiation time; (F) the weight of tumor tissue in different groups obtained on day 14, adapted with permission from [92].