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. 2021 Apr 28;21(9):3078. doi: 10.3390/s21093078
PLSR Partial least squares regression
GPR Gaussian process regression
R2 Coefficient of determination
RMSE Root mean square error
ARI Anthocyanin reflectance index
mARI Modified anthocyanin reflectance index
VARI Visible atmospherically resistant vegetation index
ACI Anthocyanin content index
PROSPECT Leaf optical properties spectra
ANN Artificial neural network
PRESS Predictive residual sum of squares
SS Sum of squares
GP Gaussian process
ARD Automatic relevance determination
r Pearson correlation coefficient
P Significance level for correlation
SBBR Sequential backward band removal
σm Characteristic length scale for a variable in GPR
|β| Absolute value of the regression coefficient β in PLSR
R Reflectance
log(1/R) Logarithmic transformation to R
NDVI Normalized difference vegetation index
Mathematical symbols and notation in Section 2.3
Matrixes are capitalized and vectors are in the lowercase bold type. The subscript asterisk (e.g., X*) indicates the test set quantity.
The transpose of a matrix or vector
𝒟 Data set: 𝒟 = {(xi, yi,)|i = 1, 2, …, n}
b b-dimensional real numbers
Distributed according to (e.g., Gaussian distribution)
𝒢𝒫 Gaussian process
𝒩 Gaussian (normal) distribution
σn2 Noise variance
0 Vector of all 0′s
k(x,y) Covariance (or kernel) function evaluated at x and y
K(X,Y) Covariance (or Gram) matrix evaluated with X and Y
y|x and p(y|x) Conditional random variable y given x and the corresponding probability
θ Vector of hyperparameters
f Gaussian process latent function values