Additive effects of EP2 agonists to ripasudil (Rip) on the adipogenesis of 2D cultured 3T3-L1 cells. The 2D cultures of 3T3-L1 cells were prepared under several sets of conditions: preadipocytes of 3T3-L1 cells (DIF-) or their adipogenic differentiation (DIF+) with or without combinations of 10 μM ripasudil (Rip) and EP2 agonist, 100 nM omidenepag (OMD) or 100 nM butaprost (Buta). These specimens were subjected to analysis by Oil Red O lipid staining (panel A: representative phase contrast images, scale bar: 100 μm; and panel B: their staining intensities, O.D.) and qPCR of the master adipogenesis gene, Pparγ, Ap2 and Leptin (panel C 1–3). All experiments were performed in triplicate using fresh preparations, each of which consisted of 5 specimens. Data are presented as the arithmetic mean ± the standard error of the mean (SEM). **** p < 0.001 (ANOVA followed by a Tukey’s multiple comparison test).