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. 2021 May 2;22(6):658–672. doi: 10.1111/mpp.13052



csaap2a TILLING mutant is partially resistant to Pseudoperonospora cubensis. A P. cubensis disease assay was performed on a family segregating for an ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS)‐induced mutation in CsAAP2A leading to an early stop codon (Data S12), with the non‐EMS‐treated parental line as an additional control. Hom., homozygous for the mutant csaap2a allele; Het., heterozygous; Abs., homozygous for the wild‐type CsAAP2A allele. Plants were scored for chlorosis at 7 days postinoculation. Bars represent average disease index (DI) phenotype scores on a 1–9 scale, ranging from susceptible to resistant. Error bars represent standard deviation. Bars with different letters are statistically significant from one another (Kruskal–Wallis, p < .05)