FIG. 6.
Sequential radiographic axial view after second stage surgery. In the OCPcol + TPTD group, well-defined radiolucency in the defect was observed immediately after operation, then the resected bone margin became indistinct at 1 month after operation. At 3 months after operation, there was less radiopacity throughout the defect, and the demarcation between newly formed bone and original bone was barely recognizable, and higher radiopacity was observed throughout the defect at 6 months after operation. In bone bridges formed after OCPcol implantation, radiopaque figure in the defect seemed to occur at a later stage than in cases with bone bridges in the OCPcol + TPTD group. In the HAPcol + TPTD or HAPcol groups, no radiopaque figure was observed in the central part of the bone defect, although a small amount of radiopacity increased from the resected bone margin as in cases without bone bridges in the OCPcol group. Bars: 15 mm.