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. 2021 Apr 29;16(2):271–286. doi: 10.18502/jovr.v16i2.9091

Table 2.

Different types of artifacts in optical coherence tomography angiography images.

Type of artifact Definition
Motion Blink End-to-end black band
Displacement Waviness or discontinuity of the retinal vessels
Doubling Duplication of vessels
Stretch Stretched vessels or presence of linear bands at the edge of OCTA image (edge duplication)
Quilting (Crisscross) Rectangular or checker-board pattern
Band Bands with various brightness
Segmentation Retinal boundaries Misidentification
Projection Presence of false flow in the avascular area
Projection removal Traces left in the deeper layer after the removal of projected superficial vessels
Masking Light blockage
Unmasking Light hyper-transmission
Shadow Ghost image of the superficial retinal vessels on the deeper layer
Z offset (out of window) Vertical misaligned B-scans on the screen
Tilt More than 50% of B scans are not focused clearly
Refraction shift differing reflectivity of adjacent B-scans (probably the same as banding artifact)
Decentration Not well-centered on the macula
Defocus Whole B cans are not focused well
Suspended scattering particles in motion (SSPiM) extra-vascular OCTA signals corresponding to hyperreflective intraretinal fluid
Fringe washout Dark appearance of choroidal vessels