Genetic interactions of mepS with LDTs. (A) WT (MG1655) and its mutant derivatives carrying either deletion of lpp, ldtB, or lpp∆K58, an allele lacking C-terminal lysine residue, were tested for viability on NA at 37 °C. (B) Indicated strains were grown and viability was tested on LBON agar plates at 37 °C. (C) An mepS deletion mutant carrying either vector pTrc99a (Ptrc::), pRB1 (Ptrc::ldtF), pRB2 (Ptrc::ldtFH135A), or pRB3 (Ptrc::ldtFC143A) were tested for viability on NA at 37 °C with or without IPTG (0.25 mM).