Figure EV4. The influence of different CHAF1A mutants on CAF‐1 body and the epigenetic status of HIV‐1 promoter.
AThe distribution of CHAF1A‐PIP2‐C. PIP2: the second PCNA‐interacting protein motif which located after KER. C: CHAF1A C‐terminal.
BThe co‐localization of RFP‐tagged SUMO1, SUMO2 and SUMO4 with GFP‐tagged CHAF1A‐dDS13.
CThe distribution of CHAF1A‐dDS13‐dSIM.
D–FThe enrichment of CHAF1A, H4K20me3 and H3K9Acetyl on HIV‐1 LTR in different CHAF1A status.
Data information: The scale bar in (A–C) represented 5 μm. Data in (D–F) represented mean ± SEM in triplicate. P‐values were calculated by Student’s t‐test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.