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. 2021 Feb 8;9(2):435–442. doi: 10.1002/iid3.403

Table 1.

Seroprevalence of Toxocara canis in children with asthma

Characteristics N Positive n (%) Negative n (%) χ 2 Odds ratio
Girls 66 14 52 p = .1733 1.49 (0.63–3.58)
Boys 79 12 67
Age range
5–10 69 11 58 p = .7564
11–17 65 13 52
ND 11 2 9
Mexico City 113 20 93 p = .6899
Mexico State 18 3 15
Guerrero 4 1 3
Hidalgo 3 0 3
Michoacan 3 1 2
Puebla 1 0 1
Queretaro 1 0 1
Sinaloa 1 1 0
ND 1 0 1
Stool analysis
Faust 145 0 145
Eosinophilia 36 7 29 p = .7848 1.143 (0.43–2.99)
Normal 109 19 90
L3TESb 145 2 143
Kit IgGc 145 9 136
Native IgGd 145 25 120
Native IgGe 145 26 119
Mild intermittent 44 5 39 p = .5874
Mild persistent 48 11 37
Moderate persistent 49 10 39
Severe persistent 4 0 4
Mild intermittent and ACQg
Controlled 23 1 22 p = .1098
Partially controlled 15 2 13
Not controlled 6 2 4
Mild persistent and ACQ
Controlled 20 5 15 p = .2906
Partially controlled 17 5 12h
Not controlled 11 1 10
Moderate persistent and ACQ
Controlled 24 6 18 p = .9151
Partially controlled 12 0 12
Not controlled 13 4i 9
Severe persistent and ACQ
Controlled 1 0 1
Partially controlled 2 0 2
Not controlled 1 0 1

Abbreviations: ACQ, Asthma Control Questionnaire; ELISA, enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay; IgG, enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay.


Enzyme‐linked‐immunosorbent assay.


T. canis third‐stage larval antigens.


Commercial kit (IgG).


Native kit (sera without preadsorbed with Ascaris suum antigens).


Native kit (sera preadsorbed with Ascaris suum antigens).


Global Initiative for Asthma.


Asthma Control Questionnaire.


One patient with L3TES and without IgG.


One patient with L3TES and IgG.