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. 2021 Apr 13;62(3):427–437. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrab017

Table 1.

Patient characteristics

the PRMSC (n = 10) the PMRC (n = 17)
Male 2 6
Female 8 11
Age (years)
Median 54 53
Range 31–74 8–78
Tumor maximum diameter (mm)
Median 38 50
Range 15–100 20–95
Anatomical site (number of patients)
Falx/Parasagittal 2 2
Cavernous sinus 2
Parasellar 1 1
tuberculum sellae 1
Optic nerve sheath 3
Olfactory groove 1
Sphenoidal ridge 1 3
Cerebellopontine angle 1 1
Middle cranial fossa 1 3
Tentorial 3
Petroclival 1 1
Surgery (number of patients)
None 3 7
Biopsy 3 1
Removal 5 9
Simpson grade*
I 1
II 2
IV 1 9
Interval between surgery (removal) and PBT (months)
Median 18.2 21.6
Range 0.4–251.9 3.1–127.1
Histology WHO grade I (number of patients)
Meningothelial 4 5
Fibrous 2 1
Transitional 3
Not documented 2 1
* Simpson Grade Meningioma Removal
Grade Tumor Resection
I Macroscopically complete removal of dura, bone
II Macroscopically complete removal, dural coagulation
III Complete tumor resection, dura not coagulated
IV Partial removal