(A) NMCs are observed associated with original visual axons but not with axons from transplanted eyes. Cartoon on left shows location of transplanted eyes. (B) NMEs/NMCs are present in uninjured animals with few or no visual axons (ovo RNAi). Right top: Density map shows NME/NMC distributions in an idealized visual system cartoon. n indicates number of animals mapped. Right bottom: Graph shows NME/NMC numbers in uninjured RNAi animals. Regeneration of NMEs (C) and NMEs/NMCs (D) in ovo RNAi animals after eye resection (C) or head amputation (D). Bottom left: Mapping shows NME/NMC distributions in an idealized visual system cartoon. n indicates number of animals mapped. Bottom right: Graph shows NME/NMC numbers. Red box shows location of image taken. Dark pink arrows or dots, NMEs; light pink arrows or dots, NMCs.
Scale bars, 100μm (A) and 50μm (B-D).