Fig. 1. Description of the extended immuno-epidemiological model with one- and two-dose vaccination regimes.
Based on (13). (A) Model flow chart depicting transitions between immune classes (see main text and materials and methods for a full description of the immune classes and parameters). (B) Diagram of the interdose period between the first and second vaccine doses and its relationship to the rate of administration of the first vaccine dose ν. The maximum achievable rate is ν0 for a fully one-dose strategy, and ν is assumed to decrease exponentially to its lowest value ν0/2 when a fully two-dose strategy with interdose period corresponding to the clinical recommendation (Lopt) is used. (C) Representative schematic of societal composition of various immune classes for the SIR(S) model with no vaccination (left), the extended model with a short interdose period (middle), and the extended model with a long interdose period (right).