Table 2.
Analyses—pre-planned and post hoc
Analysed population | |
Pre-planned analyses | |
ANCOVAa—dependent variable: RMDQ score at 1 year; independent variables: baseline RMDQ score, the potential effect modifier, treatment group, their interaction term (effect modifiera treatment), age, former disc herniation surgery | PP and ITT |
ANCOVAa—as above with ODI score replacing RMDQ score | PP and ITT |
ANCOVAa—as above with LBP intensity score replacing RMDQ score | PP and ITT |
ANCOVAa—to assess the independency of any effect modification for STIR composite and/or MC composite; dependent variable: RMDQ score at 1 year; independent variables: baseline RMDQ score, STIR composite, MC composite, age, treatment, STIR composite*treatment, MC composite*treatment, age*treatment, former disc herniation surgery | PP |
Post hoc analyses—to evaluate STIR3 results | |
Comparison of treatment groups—baseline factors, concomitant treatment; no statistical testing | STIR3 group |
Responder analyses—number needed to treat to achieve > 30%, > 50%, and > 75% reduced RMDQ score from baseline to 1 year (for those with complete data) | STIR3 group with data |
Distribution of responders—number and proportions of patients with > 30%, > 50%, and > 75% reduced RMDQ score at 1 year (those with complete data) by treatment group and STIR group | All with data |
Linear mixed-effects models—to assess treatment effect over time; using Akaike’s information criterion to decide which covariance matrix to apply; dependent variable: RMDQ (5 time points), ODI (3 time points), or LBP intensity (17 time points); independent variables: time, treatment, time*treatment, age, prior disc herniation surgery | PP STIR3 group |
Scatterplot of change in RMDQ score—to visualise change in RMDQ score from baseline to 1 year in each treatment group for STIR1, STIR2, and STIR3 patients (those with complete data) | PP with data |
Bangs blinding index—for each treatment group based on their response at 1 year to ‘Which study medicine do you think you received?’ (antibiotics/placebo/unsure); range: − 1 (all report incorrect treatment) to 1 (all report the correct treatment); 0 = random reporting of treatment | STIR3 group |
PP, per protocol; ITT, intention to treat; RMDQ, Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; ODI, Oswestry Disability Index; LBP, low back pain; STIR, short tau inversion recovery; MC, Modic change
aMissing values of RMDQ, ODI, or LBP intensity were substituted with imputed values from the multiple imputations performed in the trial. This multiple imputation model used 50 imputations, predictive mean matching, and the following predictors: age, leg pain, comorbidity, fear avoidance, emotional distress, physical workload, former surgery for disc herniation, study centre, MC type group, and treatment group