Figure 1.
Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) of sub-RPE basal laminar deposits. (a) RPE with typical basal infoldings in Efemp1WT/WT:C5+/+ mice. With age, control mice may show some regions where basal infoldings are disrupted or missing and small sub-RPE deposits are observed: (b) Efemp1WT/WT:C5+/+ (c) and Efemp1WT/WT:C5-/-. (d) Larger, more frequent sub-RPE deposits are observed in Efemp1R345W/R345W, and (e) Efemp1R345W/R345W:C5-/- mice of the same age. Yellow lines mark the depth of the basal deposits. Scale bar = 500 nm. (f–g) Graphic representation of sub-RPE deposits measured as deposit area per mm length of retinal sections analyzed by TEM (average ± SD) in mice of all genotypes at 14–18 months of age. ND: nasal-dorsal, TV: temporal-ventral. (h) Violin plots represent the quantification of sub-RPE deposits in male vs. female Efemp1R345W/R345W mice at 12 months as deposit area per mm of retinal section analyzed by TEM. Note that the means of cumulative areas for the deposits at 14–18 months (f–g) are substantially larger than at 12 months (g). This growth rate has been reported before. F: female, M: male. Statistical analysis by 2-way ANOVA. **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05, n.s. = non-significant. N = 9 Efemp1WT/WT:C5+/+ (WT), n = 6 Efemp1R345W/R345W:C5+/+ (KI), n = 8 Efemp1R345W/R345W:C5-/- (KIC5KO), n = 4 Efemp1WT/WT:C5-/- (C5KO).