Fig. 7. Effect of AENTH tetramer mutants on LUVs by the negative stain.
a LUVs observed by negative staining. b ANTH does not deform LUVs notably. c. ENTH causes LUVs to become aggregated and to adopt irregular shapes. d ANTH together with ENTH reshapes LUVs into tubular structures as previously reported18. e–l ANTH and ENTH mutants show different effects on LUVs. ANTH R25A (e), ENTH E54A/D57A/D60A (k) and ANTH R3A/I4A/D37A/H38A (l) mutants (mixed with its wild type partner domain) display an AENTH wt phenotype reshaping LUVs into tubular structures ANTH R29A (f) and ENTH Y100R (g) ANTH K10D/K13D/K14D (i) and ANTH K10D/K13D (j) mutants (mixed with its wild type partner domain) display an ENTH wt phenotype being unable to tubulate LUVs. Each experiment was repeated independently 3 times with similar results. All scale bars are 200 nm.