Table 1.
Cellulite Severity Scales and Techniques to Evaluate Efficacy in Clinical Trials
• Cellulite severity rating scales –Nürnberger-Müller classification4 –Cellulite Severity Scale20,21 and Modified Cellulite Severity Scale22 –Curri scale6 –DiBernardo scoring system23 –Cellulite Dimples—At Rest and Cellulite Dimples—Dynamic scales43 –Clinician Reported and Patient Reported Photonumeric Cellulite Severity Scales24,25,42 –Investigator and Subjective Global Aesthetic Improvement Scales26 • Imaging techniques –2D or 3D digital photography12,22,23,27-33 –3D laser skin surface scanner34 –Ultrasonography12,27,34-36 –Laser doppler flowmetry37 –Thermography38,39 –Magnetic resonance imaging10,11,13,40 –Computed axial tomography41 • Measurement of skin biomechanics –Skin elasticity12,27,32,34 –Surface roughness32,34 –Skin surface profile (waviness)35 |
2D, 2-dimensional; 3D, 3-dimensional.