Figure 10.
Comparison of gene expression profile (GEP) of Myd88L252P mice and patients with WM or other indolent B-cell NHL. Affymetrix differential gene expression profiles (GEP) between four Myd88L252P mice (MUT, n=4) and three Cd19Cre mice (WT, n=3) were compared to the Affymetrix GEP of purified bone marrow tumor B-cells from 11 WM patients with the MYD88L265P mutation, resulting in selection of 462 probesets (319 genes). This selection was used on the Affymetrix transcriptome of an independent series of lymph node biopsies from 58 patients: 19 MYD88wt chronic lymphocytic leukemias (CLL), 15 MYD88L265P WM (WM_L265P), 12 MYD88wt nodal marginal zone lymphomas (NMZL), 5 MYD88wt WM with IgM peaks (WM_WT), 4 follicular lymphomas (FCL) and 3 patients with follicular hyperplasia (NT). (A) Hierarchical clustering and heatmap of the 462 selected probesets for mice (left), purified bone marrow MYD88L265P WM B-cells (middle) and lymph nodes (right). Down and up-regulated genes are in blue and red respectively. Branches of down and up regulated genes in Myd88L252P mice, MYD88L265P WM bone marrow B-cells and MYD88L265P WM lymph nodes are delineated by dashed lines. Venn diagrams of the intersections between the branches are shown, highlighting the consistency between branches across the different clustering. Some genes of interest are noted on the right. In bold are those of the plasma cell signature; *: genes in the predictor (see Figure 7B ); +: genes reported by Hunter et al. in WM (30); † : genes of the ABC/GC DLBCL signature (31). (B): Informativeness of MYD88L265P WM diagnosis using the 462 selected probesets defined in Figure 8A . The 462 probesets defined from MYD88L252P mice and bone marrow tumor B-cells from MYD88L265P WM patients were used to predict MYD88L265P WM diagnosis (WML265P versus non WM) from other lymphomas within the series of 58 lymph node biopsies. Probabilities that each sample belongs to WML265P versus non WM group are indicated. The WML265P versus non WM or not attributed (NA) assignment is shown on the left.