Table 1.
Classification and nomenclature criteria for existing and new viruses.
No. | Description |
1 | A branch, closest to ADOL Line 0 (AF247392), designated as Clade 1.1. Subsequent clades numbered starting from Clade 1.2 (i.e., Clades 1.2–1.9). |
2 | Multiple sequence alignment using the MAFFT method. Assignment of different lengths of gp85 gene sequences with the reference virus ADOL Line 0 (AF247392) in batches. |
3 | Pilot tree can be used for assigning new viruses to existing clades. |
4 | Assignment of viruses into new clades is done based on near-complete gp85 gene from GGAGTTCAT to AGCAGGCGC (or longer) by phylogenetic analysis. |
5 | Assignment of viruses into new clades is done by utilizing only a complete dataset of gp85 gene sequences from the GenBank database. |
6 | New clades are created based on the phylogenetic tree topology (in a monophyletic groups) using the maximum likelihood method by IQ-TREE and RAxML software. |
7 | New clades are created only when four or more independent isolates, without a direct epidemiologic link, are available. |
8 | Estimates of evolutionary distances (mean nucleotide distance) between clades are inferred as the number of base substitutions per site from averaging over all sequence pairs between clades using MEGA 7/X software (or a comparable tool) and utilizing the maximum composite likelihood model with rate variation among sites that was modeled with a gamma distribution (shape parameter = 1). |
9 | Different first-order clades have an average distance per site above 10% (0.1). Different second-order clades have an average distance per site above 5% (0.05). |
10 | The ultrafast bootstrap value at the clade defining node is 70% or above. |
11 | All clades are identified using the Arabic numerals system to name. ALV-J clades receive a numerical-decimal address (Arabic numerals separated by periods) that starts with the Arabic numeral of the branch. |
12 | If a clade has unresolved topology, low branch support, or insufficient number of isolates, the viruses within this branch are assigned the name of the lower order until all criteria are fulfilled, regardless of the fact that the distance criterion may be correct. |