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. 2021 May 18;182:115190. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115190

Table A.7.

Part 2 of the list of symbols and notations used in this paper.

Symbol Description
p number of autoregressive terms in ARIMAX
d number of nonseasonal differences needed for stationarity in ARIMAX
q number of lagged forecast errors in ARIMAX
η constant of the ARIMAX
ϕi i-th element of parameter ϕ in ARIMAX, for i=1,,p
θj j-th element of parameter θ in ARIMAX, for j=1,q
ζl l-th element of parameter ζ in ARIMAX, for l=1,,n
et-j error terms of the ARIMAX, for j=1,,q
nc number of days in the dataset
cit observed number of COVID-19 cases on day t in city i
c^it predicted number of COVID-19 cases on day t in city i
eit error in the prediction of the number of COVID-19 cases on day t in city i
sit absolute value of the difference between 1 and citci(t-1)
St set St={sit,i}
S^t spectrum of St
λt eigenvalues of graph Laplacian
Rt time series obtained by applying the inverse Fourier transform in R^t
rit i-th element of vector Rt