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. 2020 Nov 25;2020(11):CD001159. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001159.pub3

Godoy Monzon 2010.

Study characteristics
Methods Parallel RCT
Approved by the ethics committee and signed informed consents obtained
Site: Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires‐Centro Agustín Rocca, San Justo‐La Matanza, Argentina (university hospital)
Data collection: June 2006 to January 2008
Funding: departmental/institutional
Registration: not registered
Participants 175 adult participants > 65 years old who presented to the emergency department because of a previously undiagnosed and untreated hip fracture
Excluded: anatomical abnormalities in the inguinal area different from fracture, known coagulation disorder, history of allergy to any of the active ingredients used during the study, refusal to participate
Type of fracture: hip fracture
Anaesthetic technique for surgery: not mentioned
Surgical technique: not mentioned
Median age: 75.9 years (range not mentioned)
Percentage female: 62.3%
Length of follow‐up: 8 hours
Interventions Intervention: fascia iliaca compartment block (N = 92)
Comparator: sham block with saline (N = 62)
Outcomes Relevant to this review.
  1. Pain.

  2. Acute confusional state.

  3. Complications.

Not relevant to this review.
  1. Opioid side effects.

  2. Haemodynamic variables.

Notes Conflict of interest: "none"
DOI: 10.1007/s12245‐010‐0234‐4
Email sent on 5 January 2020
Sources obtained for risk of bias assessment.
  1. Journal article with results of the trial.

  2. Personal communication with the trialist.