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. 2020 Nov 25;2020(11):CD001159. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001159.pub3

Hood 1991.

Study characteristics
Methods Parallel RCT
Approved by the ethics committee and written informed consents obtained
Site: Sheffield, UK
Data collection: no information
Funding: no information
Registration: no information
Participants 50 participants > 60 years of age with hip fracture surgically treated with a pin and plate or a compression screw
Excluded: absolute contraindication to a regional technique, allergy to local anaesthetic agents, systemic disease that indicated an alternative method of anaesthesia
Type of fracture: intertrochanteric fracture of the neck of the femur
Anaesthetic technique for surgery: general anaesthesia
Surgical technique: compression screw or pin and plate device
Mean age: 81 years (range 62 to 94)
Percentage female: 88%
Length of follow‐up: 24 hours
Interventions Intervention: femoral (triple nerve block) nerve block and infiltration above the iliac crest (N = 25)
Comparator: no nerve block (N = 25)
Outcomes Relevant to this review.
  1. Opioids.

  2. Mortality.

  3. Complications.

Not relevant to this review.
  1. Haemodynamic variables.

  2. Time to awakening from general anaesthesia.

  3. Number of participants requiring rescue analgesia.

  4. Quality of analgesia (recovery and ward staff).

  5. Prilocaine plasmatic concentrations.

Notes Conflict of interest: no information
DOI: n/a
No email address
Sources obtained for risk of bias assessment.
  1. Journal article with results of the trial.