Ridderikhof 2015.
Study name | A multicenter randomized controlled trial in elderly patients with hip fractures comparing continuous fascia iliaca compartment block to systemic opioids and its effect on delirium occurrence |
Methods | Parallel RCT, open label Approved by the ethics committee and informed consent obtained Site: Academisch Medisch Centrum ‐ Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands Data collection: May 2016 to December 2021 Funding: governmental Registration: NCT02689024 |
Participants | 340 participants ≥ 55 years of age with radiographically confirmed hip fracture Excluded: multiple injuries (polytrauma patients), previous adverse reaction or known allergy to local anaesthetics or opioids or paracetamol, skin infection in proximity of injection site, delirious state at presentation in the emergency department Type of fracture: hip fracture Anaesthetic technique for surgery: to be determined Surgical technique: to be determined Mean age: (range ): to be determined Percentage female: % to be determined Length of follow‐up: 3 months |
Interventions |
Intervention: compartment fascia iliaca block Comparator: no block |
Outcomes | Relevant to this review.
Not relevant to this review.
Starting date | First posted: 23 February 2016 Study start date: May 2016 Study completion date: April 2022 Last update posted: 27 March 2019 |
Contact information | Milan Ridderikhof, The Netherlands |
Notes | Conflict of interest: to be determined DOI: to be determined |