Yun 2018.
Study name | Clinical study on analgesia of Top‐Tql lumbar quadratus muscle block induced by ultrasound‐guided after PFNA surgery for senile femoral trochanteric fracture |
Methods | Parallel RCT
Approved by the ethics committee and informed consent obtained
Site: Xiamen 5th Hospital, Fujian, China
Data collection: 1 October 2018 to 1 December 2020 Funding: institutional/departmental Registration: ChiCTR1800016421 |
Participants | 90 participants over 65 years old with confirmed femoral trochanteric fracture scheduled for internal fixation Excluded: local anaesthesia allergy, puncture site infection, severe cardiovascular disease or cerebrovascular complications, severe cognitive dysfunction Type of fracture: trochanteric fracture Anaesthetic technique for surgery: to be determined Surgical technique: to be determined Mean age: to be determined Percentage female: to be determined Length of follow‐up: 72 hours |
Interventions | Intervention: quadratus lumborum plexus block (N = 45) Comparator: no block (N = 45) |
Outcomes | Relevant to this review.
Not relevant to this review.
Starting date | First posted: 1 June 2018 Study start date: 1 January 2018 (approved by ethics committee on 26 August 2013) Study completion date: 1 December 2020 Last update posted: 1 June 2018 |
Contact information | Wang Yun |
Notes | Conflict of interest: to be determined DOI: to be determined |
AMTS: Abbreviated 10‐point Mental Test Score.
ASA: American Society of Anaesthesiologists physical status.
C: Celsius.
CAM Questionnaire: Confusion Assessment Method.
EQ‐5D or EUROQOL: score for measurement of health‐related quality of life.
G: gram.
ICD‐9: list of codes for International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.
IV: intravenous.
kg: kilogram.
kg/m2: kilogram per square metre.
mm: millimetre.
mmHg: millimetre of mercury.
MSMC ED: Maimonides Medical Center emergency department.
n: number.
NHS: Nottingham University Hospitals.
NRS: numerical rating scale.
OMC: orientation‐memory‐concentration.
RCT: randomized controlled trial.
RfPB: Research for Patient Benefit.