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. 2020 Nov 25;2020(11):CD001159. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001159.pub3

Risk of bias for analysis 1.4 Chest infections.

Study Bias
Randomisation process Deviations from intended interventions Missing outcome data Measurement of the outcome Selection of the reported results Overall
Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Fletcher 2003 Low risk of bias The randomization sequence was derived from a random number generator, and allocation concealment was achieved by means of the sealed opaque envelope method. No baseline differences between intervention groups identified.  Low risk of bias No deviations from intended interventions identified.  Low risk of bias 100% of included participants were analyzed. Low risk of bias Lower respiratory tract infections determined by a blinded assessor. Low risk of bias No deviation to the planned statistical analysis identified. Only one result provided.  Low risk of bias No risk of bias identified.
Haddad 1995 Low risk of bias Randomized by sealed envelope. No baseline differences between intervention groups identified.  Low risk of bias No deviations from intended interventions identified.  Low risk of bias 90% of included participants were analyzed. Low risk of bias Chest infections which required antibiotics. We judged it as unlikely to have been influenced by knowledge of the treatment group.  Low risk of bias No deviation to the planned statistical analysis identified. Only one result provided.  Low risk of bias No risk of bias identified.
White 1980 Low risk of bias Patients were randomly allocated. No baseline differences between intervention groups identified.  Low risk of bias No deviations from intended interventions identified.  Low risk of bias 80% of included participants were analyzed. Low risk of bias Pneumonia. We judged it as unlikely to have been influenced by knowledge of the treatment group.  Low risk of bias No deviation to the planned statistical analysis identified. Only one result provided.  Low risk of bias No risk of bias identified.