M (SD) | Range | |
Child age (months) at Time 1 (2 years) | 25.6 (0.6) | 24.6–28.1 |
Child age (months) at Time 2 (4½ years) | 56.9 (1.4) | 54.1–63.0 |
Maternal Education (years)a | 11.8 (3.1) | 3–18 |
SESb | 26.6 (11.1) | 10.5–64.5 |
Spanish exposure (%)c | ||
Time 1 | ||
Overall | 85.7 (13.9) | 36–100 |
Caregivers only | 95.8 (8.3) | 47–100 |
Time 2 | ||
Overall | 67.5 (21.9) | 12–100 |
Caregivers only | 85.0 (18.7) | 10–100 |
Number of years of education: high school graduate = 12 years; college graduate = 16 years; post college degree = 18 years.
Socioeconomic status (SES) at 4½ years based on an updated version of the Hollingshead Index of Socioeconomic Status (HI), derived from a composite of the education and occupation of both parents (Hollingshead, 1975).
Mean proportion of hours child is reported to be exposed to Spanish (vs. English) from all sources (overall) and from primary caregivers based on a comprehensive language background interview.