Figure 2.
RISK11 signature score distribution
(A) RISK11 signature scores by symptom status. Box-and-whisker plots depicting RISK11 signature scores measured at enrolment (each dot represents a participant) in participants with symptomatic, clinical tuberculosis, asymptomatic, subclinical tuberculosis, or no tuberculosis. (B) RISK11 signature scores measured at enrolment by HIV plasma viral load (copies per mL). Prevalent and incident tuberculosis comprised all microbiologically confirmed secondary endpoint cases. Symptoms were recorded at the time of diagnosis for participants with prevalent and incident tuberculosis, and at enrolment for participants without tuberculosis. p values for comparison of median RISK11 signature scores between groups in box-and-whisker plots were calculated with the Mann-Whitney U test and corrected for multiple comparisons by use of the Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure.21 Boxes depict the IQR, the midline represents the median, and the whiskers indicate the IQR ± (1·5 × IQR). The dashed line depicts the a priori RISK11 score threshold (60%).