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. 2021 May 18;12:2935. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23244-3

Fig. 2. PLGA-MP exhibit ideal release profiles and are efficiently engulfed by human and mouse dendritic cells.

Fig. 2

a 5 mg MP containing 250 µg OVA and 2.5 µg polyI:C (MP-OVA/pIC) or 2.5 µg Riboxxim (MP-OVA/Rib) were incubated in PBS (pH 7.4) at 37 °C for a total period of 6 days. Amounts of encapsulated OVA and of OVA released from PLGA-MP at indicated time points were determined by SDS-PAGE and subsequent silver staining. Data are presented as means ± SD from three independent experiments. b Encapsulation efficiency and cumulative in vitro OVA release from 5 mg PLGA-MP-OVA/polyI:C (OVA/pIC, blue circles, n = 6) or PLGA-MP-OVA/Riboxxim (OVA/Rib, red squares, n = 6) over 6 days as analyzed by MicroBCA™ assay. c Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence IVIS® images of a representative BALB/c mouse s.c. injected with 5 mg fluorescent MP-QD705/OVA/Rib at the indicated days post-immunization. Scaling of the pseudo-color code is depicted next to the luminescent images. d Ex vivo NIR fluorescence IVIS® image of draining popliteal and inguinal LN (dLNs) and of the contralateral non-draining LN (ndLN) of a representative mouse 6 days after s.c. immunization with MP-QD705/OVA/Rib. e Percentage of fluorescent particle internalization 6 h after incubating DCs with 10 µg/ml MP-QD705/OVA/Rib at 37 °C (black circles) or 4 °C (no uptake control, gray squares) was assessed by flow cytometry. Approximately 60% of PLGA-MP were efficiently engulfed by mouse bone marrow-derived DCs (mBMDCs, n = 3) or thioglycolate elicited peritoneal macrophages (mpMØ, n = 3), as well as by in vitro differentiated human monocyte-derived DCs (hMoDCs, n = 3) or monocyte-derived macrophages (hMoMØ, n = 3). PLGA particle uptake by human myeloid DCs was assessed using flow cytometry by gating on QD705+CD1c+ (n = 4) and QD705+CD141+ cells (n = 3) (black circles) after incubation of fluorescent microparticles with 107 CD14-negative PBMCs. CD1c-negative (n = 4) or CD141-negative cells (n = 3) served as control (CTRL, gray squares). Data are presented as means ± SD and are derived from at least two independent experiments with a similar outcome.