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. 2021 May 5;12:608575. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.608575

Table 1.

Summary of puberty variables within the ABCD Study.

Content Description Sex* Informant/Source NDAR Element Name (Alias)**
Pubertal Development Scale and Menstrual Cycle Survey History (Youth: abcd_ypdms01, Caregiver: abcd_ppdms01)
Sex/gender (not disambiguated in the question wording)  Do you consider yourself male or female? All Youth pds_sex_y (pubertdev_sex)
Sex at birth What sex was your child assigned at birth? All Caregiver pubertal_sex_p (pubertdev_sex_p)
Height spurt Would you say that your/your child’s growth in height 1 = has not yet begun to spurt; 2 = has barely started; 3 = is definitely underway; 4 = seems complete; 999 = I don’t know; 777= refuse to answer All Both pds_ht2_y, pds_ht2_p (pubertdev_ht, pubertdev_1_p)
Skin changes Have you/your child noticed any skin changes, especially pimples? 1 = skin has not yet started changing; 2 = skin has barely started changing; 3 = skin changes are definitely underway; 4 = skin changes seem complete; 999 = I don’t know; 777 = refuse to answer All Both pds_skin2_y, pds_3_p*** (pubertdev_skin, pubertdev_3_p)
Body hair And how about the growth of your/your child’s body hair? 1 = has not yet begun to spurt; 2 = has barely started; 3 = is definitely underway; 4 = seems complete; 999 = I don’t know; 777 = refuse to answer All Both pds_bdy_hair_y, pds_2_p*** (pubertdev_bdyhair, pubertdev_2_p)
Breast development Have you noticed that your/your child’s breasts have begun to grow? 1 = have not yet started growing; 2 = have barely started growing; 3 = breast growth is definitely underway; 4 = breast growth seems complete; 999 = I don’t know; 777 = refuse to answer Female Both pds_f4_2_y, pds_f4_2_p (pubertdev_f4, pubertdev_f4_p)
Menstruation began? Have you/she begun to menstruate (started to have your period)? Female Both pds_f5_y, pds_f5_p (pubertdev_f5, pubertdev_f5_p)
Age of first period If yes, how old were you/she when you/she started to menstruate? Female Both pds_f6_y, pds_f6_p (pubertdev_f6, pubertdev_f6_p)
Deepening voice Have you noticed a deepening of your/your child’s voice? Male1 Both pds_m4_y, pds_m4_p (pubertdev_m4, pubertdev_m4_p)
Facial hair Have you/your child begun to grow hair on your/his face? Male 1 Both pds_m5_y, pds_m5_p (pubertdev_m5, pubertdev_m5_p)
First day of last period What was the date of the first day of your/your daughter’s last period? Female Both menstrualcycle1_y, menstrualcycle1_p (menstrual_1, menstrual_1_p)
Cycle length On average, how many days are there between the first day of your/her period and the first day of your/her next period? (e.g., 30 days)   Female Both menstrualcycle2_y, menstrualcycle2_p (menstrual_2, menstrual_2_p)
Cycle regularity Is your/her menstrual cycle regular? Female Both mentrualcycle3_y, menstrualcycle3_p (menstrual_3, menstrual_3_p)
Hormonal birth control Are you/is she currently using hormonal birth control (eg. the pill, hormone patch, hormone injection)? Female Both menstrualcycle4_y, menstrualcycle4_p (menstrual_4, menstrual_4_p)
Premenstrual irritability Do you/does she experience premenstrual symptoms, such as irritability, fatigue, etc., which start before a period and stop within a few days of bleeding?  Female Both menstrualcycle5_y, menstrualcycle5_p (menstrual_5, menstrual_5_p)
Does PMS interfere with activities Do your/her premenstrual symptoms interfere with your/her relationships with family and friends, productivity, and/or social life activities? Female Both menstrualcycle6_y, menstrualcycle6_p (menstrual_6, menstrual_6_p)
Derived pubertal development scores (ABCD Sum Scores Physical Health Youth and Parent; abcd_ssphp01)
Category score based on the Pubertal Development Scale (prepubertal/early/mid/late/post)3 All Both pds_y_ss_female_category (pubertdev_ss_female_category), pds_y_ss_male_category (pubertdev_ss_male_category), pds_p_ss_female_category (pubertdev_ss_female_category_p),
pds_p_ss_male_category (pubertdev_ss_male_category_p)
Salivary hormone measures (Hormone Saliva Salimetric Scores; hsss01)
Salimetrics hormone test mean (pg/ml) Hormone saliva variable recorded by Salimetrics dhea: all,
hse (E2), females only;
ert (T): all
Youth hormone_scr_dhea_mean, hormone_scr_hse_mean, hormone_scr_ert_mean
Salimetrics hormone test below lower limit of sensitivity 2 , replications 1 and 2**** (yes/no) hormone_scr_dhea_rep1, hormone_scr_hse_rep1, hormone_scr_ert_rep1
Salimetrics hormone quantity not sufficient, repetitions 1 and 2**** (yes/no) hormone_scr_dhea_rep1_qns, hormone_scr_hse_rep1_qns, hormone_scr_ert_rep1_qns
Salimetrics hormone test none detected, repetitions 1 and 2**** (yes/no) hormone_scr_dhea_rep1_nd, hormone_scr_hse_rep1_nd, hormone_scr_ert_rep1_nd
Other variables
Sex (male/female) All Caregiver sex (sex_at_birth, also aliased as “gender”)
Mean standing height (inches) All Youth anthroheightcalc (anthro_height_calc [mean of anthro_1_height_in, anthro_2_height_in, anthro_3_height_in])
Mean weight (lbs) All Youth anthroweightcalc (anthro_weight_calc [mean of anthro_weight1_lb, anthro_weight2_lb, anthro_weight3_lb])
Quality control measures for saliva samples (Pubertal Hormone Saliva information at time of fluid collection; sph01)
Wake-up time on test day What time did you wake up today? All Youth hormone_sal_wake_y (biospec_hormone_sal_wake)
Caffeine Have you had any caffeine in the last 12 hours?
How many drinks (mg) did you have
All Youth hormone_sal_caff_y (biospec_hormone_sal_caff)
hormone_sal_caff_mg_y (biospec_hormone_sal_caff_mg)
Exercise In the last 12 hours, did you exercise vigorously (sweating, breathing hard) for at least 20 minutes?
For how long did you exercise?
All Youth hormone_sal_active (biospec_hormone_sal_active)
hormone_sal_active_minutes_y (biospec_hormone_sal_active_minutes)
Sample Collection information Hormone saliva tube cap color, Sample time collection start, Sample time collection end, Sample barcode, Storage temperature, Time sample moved to freezer All Youth hormone_sal_sex, hormone_sal_start_y, (biospec_hormone_sal_start), hormone_sal_end_y, (biospec_hormone_sal_end) hormone_sal_bc_y, (biospec_hormone_sal_bc) hormone_sal_freeztemp_y, (biospec_hormons_sal_freeztemp) hormone_sal_freezer_y (biospec_hormone_sal_freezer)
Concerns about sample None, Contaminated, Discoloration, Excessive bubbles, Insufficient quantity, Other All Youth hormon_sal_notes_y:_1 through hormon_sal_notes_y:_6 biospec_hormon_sal_notes___1 through biospec_hormon_sal_notes___6)

Adapted from ABCD data release 2.0.1, last updated 05/06/2020 (doi: 10.15154/1506087; wave 01/baseline). The ABCD data repository grows and changes over time. The contents under NDAR Element Name (Alias) refer to abbreviations in the ABCD dataset codebook, and may be useful only to those who have successfully applied for (free) access to the data. *Sex-specific scores were calculated based on responses to the sex_at_birth variable, which only had binary response options; we note that there are various sex and gender related variables, and that a separate scale was administered to address gender identity (not described above); ** Throughout, “y”; denotes youth and “p”; denotes parent/caregiver versions; *** Number mismatch is because youth and caregiver measures were in a different order; **** Due to space constraints, only abbreviations for repetition 1 are shown.

1Only boys responded to these questions. This limits the documentation of girls with androgen excess who may also experience facial hair and deepening of the voice.

2The lower limit of sensitivity is reported for each hormone in Herting, Uban, and colleagues (2021).

3Converted Pubertal Development Scale values are not provided and must be calculated by researchers [see (5) for more information on possible calculations].