Figure 1.
CYP38 is required for LR emergence. A, Scanned root images of 11-dpg WT, cyp38-4 and cyp38-5. 6-dpg root tip positions are labeled with black marks. Scale bar = 5 mm. B and C, Quantifications of LR density (B) and PR length (C) in two alleles of cyp38. (***P <0.001, pairwise t test with Hochberg correction, n >10). D, Quantifications of LR density of the EMS allele, cyp38-4, and the complemented line. (***P <0.001, pairwise t test with Hochberg correction, six complemented T1 plants are used). E, Diagram describing the mutation position of cyp38-4 (red asterisk) and T-DNA insertion position of cyp38-5 (triangle). F, Quantifications of different stages of LRP in WT and cyp38-5. I represents the initiation stage, pre-E represents pre-emergence stage, E represents emerged LR stage, M represents matured LRs, and Total represents the sum of all four stages. (*P <0.05, ***P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, pairwise t test with Hochberg correction, n >8). G, Microscopic images of cleared WT and cyp38-5 roots. Arrows point to pre-emerged LRP. Scale bar = 50 µm. H, Scanned shoot and root images of 10-dpg WT and 13-dpg cyp38-5. Root tip positions of 6-dpg are labeled with black marks. Scale bars = 5 mm. I and J, Quantifications of shoot area (I) and LR density (J) in 10-dpg WT and 13-dpg cyp38-5. (***P < 0.001, pairwise t test, n >20). K, Quantifications of LR number over PR length were made with 6- to 10-d-old WT and cyp38-5 roots. Data points obtained at each day are pooled to generate scatter plot. Linear regression lines are added to show their trend.