The activity of CYP38 in shoots is essential for LR emergence. A, Scanned root images of 17-d-old grafted plants. Seedlings were grafted 5 dpg, graft junction was formed after 5 d on filter paper and then the whole grafted plants were transferred back to regular medium for 7 d to recover. Scale bar = 5 mm. B, Quantification of total branch number in four different grafted combinations. Significantly different groups are indicated with letters (P <0.05, pairwise t test with Hochberg correction, n >8). C, Quantitative RT-PCR for CYP38 transcript levels in both shoot and root tissues of the grafted plants. The numbers are presented as log2 transformed values (ΔΔCt). Significantly different groups are denoted with letters (P <0.05, pairwise t test with Hochberg correction, n =3) and analyzed separately for shoot and root samples. D and E, Confocal images of the hypocotyl junction in grafted plants. proUBQ10:CYP38-Ypet is used as the scion in (D), or used as the rootstock in (E). Arrows mark the grafting junction. Scale bars = 50 µm.