Weighted Average Bootstrap Stability Index and Network Subdividing. Shown are a sequence of independent component analysis (ICA) models with model orders K–1, K, and K+1. A component in ICAK (central purple circle, marked by star) is highly correlated with a spatial map in ICAK–1 and subsequently subdivides into two spatial maps in ICAK+1. Due to network subdividing, the bootstrap stability index Iq for this node is low. However, the nearly identical component in ICAK–1 is not affected by network subdividing and is consequently highly stable. Edge weights are correlations between spatial maps rK–1, rK+1.1, and rK+1.2. The Weighted Average Bootstrap Stability Index () for the marked node is then an average of the bootstrap stability indices for this network, with weights proportional to the correlations (rK–1, rK, rK+1.1, and rK+1.2). is thus better able to estimate the true bootstrap stability of this component, independent of the effects of network subdividing.