Fig. 2. Linear relationship between and across timescales.
a Amplitude spectrum from Fourier analysis for annual atmospheric CO2 (ΔCA) and cumulative anthropogenic CO2 emissions (ΔCE) for 1880–2017. b Same as (a) but for annual global-mean temperature from four observational datasets (HadCRUT4, GISTEMP, Berkeley Earth, and NOAA GlobalTemp) for 1880–2017. c Estimates of (=ΔCA/ΔTA) across timescales against (=ΔCE/ΔTE) for four observational global-mean temperature datasets with atmospheric CO2 records (or anthropogenic emissions) for 1880–2017. The solid line with the shaded area between the dashed lines is the linear regression of all datasets with a slope (p) of 2.52 ± 0.15 ppm ppm−1, which indicates that the carbon-concentration feedback parameter β is 3.22 ± 0.32 GtC ppm−1.