EcMltG is active in the presence of activated EcPBP1A and EcPBP1B. Level of crosslinked muropeptides (TP: blue columns) and LT products (grey columns) obtained after cellosyl-digestion of PG synthesised by Lpo-activated EcPBP1A and EcPBP1B in the presence or absence of EcMltG versions, in assays with E. coli-type lipid II. Values are the mean ± variation of two independent experiments. EcMltG reduces the TPase activity of both, activated EcPBP1A and EcPBP1B. EcMltG had lower LT activity in the presence of Lpo-activated EcPBP1A or EcPBP1B, compared to EcPBP1A or EcPBP1B alone. EcPBP1B S510A and EcMltG E218Q, catalytically inactive versions (controls); Amp, Ampicillin. **, P < 0.01; *, P < 0.05 (T-test). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)