Figure 1.
(A) Experimental timeline for experiment 1. (B) Representative T2-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) of small and large strokes in remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) and sham groups. Contour indicates overlapping regions identified as infarct by 2 independent experimenters. (C-D) Both preconditioning and postconditioning reduced infarct volume (main statistical effect), with no higher-order interactions detected between all variables of interest (RIC/control, pre-RIC/post-RIC, male/female, or small/large). (E) RIC reduced infarct volume if delivered 18 hours prestroke or if delivered 4 hours poststroke. (F) RIC reduced infarct volume in both sexes. (G) RIC reduced infarct independent of lesion size.a
a *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001; d, effect sizes by the Cohen d.