Figure 1.
Multiparametric remote monitoring in a patient with heart failure. Trends in vital parameters from a 72-year-old patient with non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 25% and a dual-chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (Medtronic Evera XT DR). Each panel demonstrates is divided by a vertical line into the period before lockdown (days 1–31) and during lockdown (days 32–62). On day 33 (second day of the lockdown), a weight alert was received (gain of 2.3 kg in 5 days, red arrow). The patient complained of worsening dyspnoea and abdominal bloating. The patient was asked to double his dose of furosemide and continued to be remotely monitored at home. Another alert was received 36 days after lockdown implementation, which prompted a further increase in diuretic for few days until a blood test alert was triggered for an increase in creatinine and urea levels, then the patients stabilized. This patient was fully managed remotely and did not require hospitalization during the following 9 months. Home sensor-derived trends are depicted in blue [weight, heart rate (HR), and systolic blood pressure (SBP)]; activity and OptiVol trends from the CIED are depicted in black.