Figure 2.
Overview of outbreak 1. A, Epidemic curve for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 cases (n = 32) among students and staff associated with the athletics program during outbreak 1. Abbreviations: Ag, antigen; Ag−, Ag result negative; Ag+, Ag result positive; RT-PCR, reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction; RT-PCR+, RT-PCR result positive; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. B, Graphic representation of known interactions between all persons in the athletics program affected by outbreak 1. Solid black lines represent roommates; red lines, confirmed close contact with a positive case as identified through contact tracing interviews; dashed gray lines, persons who attended indoor team meetings together while following physical distancing policies (>6 ft apart and wearing masks); and red circles, persons who received false-negative antigen results.