Fig. 3.
Estimated demographic history of Asian tigers: Sumatra (SUM: lavender), Malayan (MAL: dark green), Amur (AMU: orange) and ancestral Bengal (BEN: hot pink), ancestral Asian metapopulation (Asia, light blue). The Bengal tigers further differentiated into North East (BEN_NE, salmon pink), Central (BEN_CI, light pink), South (BEN_SI, dark pink), and North West (BEN_NW, purple) populations. The inset map presents the geographical locations of these populations. (A) Founder effects are represented as horizontal lines with widths inversely proportional to intensity. Recent population contractions with intensity inversely proportional to current population size (t/2N) are reported in white text. Population bar widths are approximately proportional to estimated population sizes. Divergence (T_DIV) and bottleneck times (T_BOT) are reported in ky (thousand years ago), assuming a mutation rate of 0.35 × 10−8 and 5 years per generation. Times 95% CI values are shown within brackets on the left of the time arrow. Estimated values and associated 95% CI of all parameters are reported in supplementary tables 7 and 9 in SI, Supplementary material online, and (B) comparison of PCA first two PC axes computed on observed and simulated data. The simulated scenario corresponds to that shown in (A), with parameter values taken from supplementary tables 7 and 9 in SI, Supplementary material online.