Fig. 1. The maternal metabolome, proteome, and immunome were assessed during the 100-day period preceding the day of labor.
(A) Peripheral blood was obtained serially from 63 women during the 100 days preceding spontaneous labor. The primary outcome of the analysis was the time to labor (TL), such that the prediction of the day of labor did not consider estimates of GA. Raster plots depicting the day of sampling for the training (top plot; N = 53, n = 150 samples) and test (bottom plot; N = 10, n = 27 samples) cohort, and the TL distribution (range [−112, 0]), calculated as the difference between the day of labor (TL 0, red line) and the day of sampling (filled dots). At least one sample was collected on any day of the 100 days preceding the day of labor (cumulative count plot). (B) Plasma samples were used in the analysis of the circulating metabolome (high-throughput mass spectrometry) and proteome (aptamer-based technology). Whole-blood samples were used in the analysis of the systemic immunome (mass cytometry). In total, 7142 features were generated per sample from all three datasets and integrated into a multivariate model to predict the TL.