Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of weighted UniFrac distances was used to visualize relationships between the nasal microbiota of infants with respect to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection, illness severity, and time. Weighted UniFrac distances quantify the compositional dissimilarity between microbial communities, incorporating information about the phylogenetic relatedness between bacteria observed across samples. PCoA provides a summary representation of overall similarity/dissimilarity relationships among a set of samples, capturing as much information as possible using the fewest number of dimensions/principal coordinates. The proportion of overall variation represented along a single axis is indicated as a percentage in the axis label. A, From the longitudinal cohort only, samples are plotted with principal coordinate 1 on the y-axis and infant age at the time of sampling on the x-axis. Samples are colored red or blue based on whether or not an infant developed RSV infection (red) at any point during the period of observation, and their shape indicates the time-point at which the sample was taken: initial healthy/preillness visit (diamond), illness visit/age-matched healthy visit (circle), or postillness/age-matched final healthy visit (square). The red and blue arrows indicate observed longitudinal trends within the group of subjects that developed RSV infections and the group that stayed healthy, respectively. B, From the cross-sectional cohort only, samples are plotted in 3 dimensions using the first 3 principal coordinates. Samples are colored according to RSV infection status and severity: healthy (blue), mild RSV infection (orange), or severe RSV infection (red). A cluster of subjects in the foreground on the left, notable for dominant abundance of Haemophilus influenzae, is circled in black. While no clear segregation is observed between mild and severe illness, healthy samples occupy a notable crescent shaped structure around the illness samples, with the H. influenzae dominated cluster furthest away from this crescent.